PEARC17 is made possible through the efforts and contributions of many volunteers, spanning research centers, universities and other organizations.
Executive Committee
PEARC17 General Chair
David Hart, NCAR
Technical Program Chair
Maytal Dahan, TACC
Student Programs Chair
Alana Romanella, Virginia Tech
External Programs and Workshops Chair
Amy Schuele, NCSA
Exhibitors Chair
Melyssa Fratkin, TACC
Communications Chair
BJ Smith, NCAR
Advanced Research Computing on Campuses
(ARCC17) Chair
Tom Cheatham, University of Utah
Logistics Chair
Julie Wernert, Indiana University
Finance Chair
Amy Moore, NCAR
Project Management
Laura Herriott, NCSA
PEARC18 General Chair
Sergiu Sanielevici, PSC
Technical Program Committee
Technical Program Chair
Maytal Dahan, TACC
Software and Data Track Chair
Sandra Gesing, University of Notre Dame
Technology Track Chair
Ruth Marinshaw, Stanford University
Workforce, Diversity, and Evaluation Co-Chairs
Kelly Nolan, Compute Canada
Lorna Rivera, Georgia Tech
Accelerating Discovery Track Chair
Jim Wilgenbusch,
Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
Tutorials Chair
John Goodhue,
Massachusetts Green HPC Center
Posters Chair
Peter Enstrom, NCSA
Birds of a Feather Chair
Ben Nickell, Idaho National Lab
Visualization Showcase Chair
Scott Pearse, NCAR
Proceedings Chair
Bruce Loftis, University of Colorado, Boulder
Student Program Committee
Logistics and Local Arrangements
Student Programs Chair
Alana Romanella, Virginia Tech
Student Volunteers
Melissa Romanus, Rutgers University
Student Modeling Day
Kate Cahill, Ohio Supercomputer Center
Student-Mentor Program
Ester Soriano, NCSA
Student Posters
Semir Sarajic, Georgia State University
Diversity Chair
Elizabeth Leake, STEM-Trek
Logistics Chair
Julie Wernert, Indiana University
Logistics Support
Kim Bergeron, KGB Events
Networking and Security
Tim Boerner, NCSA