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The Phil Andrews Most Transformative Contribution Award


The PEARC19 Executive Committee dedicates its flagship award to Dr. Phil Andrews (1956-2011).

A pioneer in advanced computing infrastructure for more than 25 years, Phil brought tremendous passion and creative energy to NICS, PSC, SDSC, TeraGrid and XSEDE. With degrees in physics, mathematics, and plasma physics from Cambridge, Purdue, and Princeton Universities. He was experienced in artificial intelligence, visualization, archiving, digital libraries, and computational medicine. During his career, Andrews authored approximately 40 papers on distributed and data-intensive computing and visualization techniques, theoretical plasma physics and nonlinear dynamics.


The award has been made for a paper submission deemed to be most influential and impactful within its area of research computing, broadly interpreted, including leading-edge scientific research as well as the development of innovative computational techniques. Determination of the Phil Andrews Most Transformative Contribution award is made by the Technical Program subcommittee jury from the best papers awarded in each of the technical tracks and therefore will represent “The Best of the Best.” The award will be presented at the PEARC19 Conference awards luncheon.

PEARC19 Phil Andrews Award Winners

 “A Novel Pruning Method for Convolutional Neural Networks Based off Identifying

Critical Filters”

Mihaela Dimovska (ORNL) and Travis Johnston (ORNL)



“Integrity Protection for Scientific Workflow Data: Motivation and Initial Experiences”

Mats Rynge (ISI-USC), Karan Vahi (ISI-USC), Ewa Deelman (ISI-USC), Anirban Mandal (RENCI), Ilya Baldin (RENCI), Omkar Bhide (Indiana University), Randy Heiland (Indiana University), Von Welch (Indiana University), Raquel Hill (Indiana University), William L. Poehlman (Clemson University), and F. Alex Feltus (Clemson University)



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